Hedgehogs – both wild and pet hedgehog advice

Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets? Is a Hedgehog the Right Pet for You?




Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets


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Hedgehogs make wonderful pets. They are small, cute, and have a lot of personality. Having a hedgehog as a pet can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to understand their needs before making the commitment.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of hedgehog care and provide tips on how to ensure your new pet is well cared for.

We will also explain why hedgehogs make great pets and the potential problems you may encounter. With the right care and attention, a hedgehog can become a beloved family member.

Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets

Why do hedgehogs make good pets?

Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that have been kept as pets for centuries. They are well-loved for their spunky personalities and cute, quilled appearances. With the right care and attention, hedgehogs can make great pets for people of all ages.

They are not overly demanding and have a fairly easy care routine. With the right setup and plenty of love and attention, hedgehogs can become attached to their owners and it has been known for hedgehogs to even recognize their owner’s voice.

Hedgehogs have a fairly easy care routine. They require a habitat with a substrate such as aspen shavings or paper-based bedding and plenty of hiding spots. Hedgehogs also need an exercise wheel, toys, and other items to keep them entertained.

Ideally, they should also have access to an outdoor enclosure, where they can explore and forage when the weather is warm. This is not a must have though if you live in an apartment.

Hedgehogs may seem like low-maintenance pets, but they can be quite sensitive and need a lot of love and attention. They are not cuddly like cats or dogs, but they can become attached to their owners nevertheless.

Hedgehogs are solitary animals and do not need to be kept with other hedgehogs. They are also nocturnal and will be most active at night. If handled too often or during the day, they can become stressed and may even spray.

If you are considering a hedgehog as a pet, make sure you are prepared to give them the time and care they need. With the right setup and a loving owner, hedgehogs can make great companions.

What are the pros and cons of keeping a hedgehog as a pet?


  • Hedgehogs are relatively low-maintenance animals and require minimal space, making them suitable for apartment living.
  • They are relatively quiet, making them good pets for those living in a noisy environment.
  • They are relatively clean animals and are easy to care for.
  • They are friendly and will form a bond with their owners.
  • They are nocturnal animals, so they are active and playful at night, allowing their owners to enjoy them when they are most active.


  • Hedgehogs require a specific type of diet, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • They can be prone to certain health issues, such as mites and respiratory infections.
  • They can be prone to biting if they feel threatened or uncomfortable.
  • Hedgehogs are solitary animals and do not do well in groups.
  • They require a specific type of habitat, which can be expensive to set up.

What do hedgehogs eat as pets?

What do hedgehogs eat as pets

When it comes to food, hedgehogs are omnivores and need both proteins and vegetables in their diet.

You can feed a hedgehog a variety of foods, including specially-formulated hedgehog food, cooked lean meats, cooked eggs, mealworms, wax worms, crickets, fruits, and vegetables.

It’s important to avoid feeding your hedgehog foods that contain sugar, like candy, and fatty or salty foods, like chips and pretzels.

Where to keep a hedgehog?

Hedgehogs require a habitat that is at least 20 gallons and should be placed in a quiet, draft-free area.

The habitat should be kept warm, with temperatures ranging from 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and no lower than 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

A heating pad, ceramic heater, or a UVB light can be used to maintain the correct temperature.

It is important that a hedgehog does not get cold as that may cause it to start hibernating which could be fatal.

Portable Hedgehog Cage Carrier with Wheels and Handles, Collapsible Hamster Cage Plastic Rat House Indoor Outdoor Small Critter Habitat Pet Travel Carrier Box for Hedgehog,Hamster,Rat,Bearded Dragon

The legality of keeping a hedgehog as a pet varies by state. It is important to check with your local laws to make sure that hedgehogs are allowed in your area before acquiring one.

Which states do not allow hedgehogs as pets?

In the United States, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, New York, and Pennsylvania do not allow hedgehogs as pets. It is important to check with your local laws to make sure that hedgehogs are allowed in your area before acquiring one.

Why are hedgehogs not allowed as pets in some states?

Hedgehogs are not allowed as pets in some states due to concerns about their potential to spread disease or become invasive. They can also be carriers of parasites and fleas, which can cause problems for local ecosystems.


In conclusion, hedgehogs can make great pets with the right owner. They are low-maintenance, entertaining, and can even be litter-trained.

However, owning a hedgehog is not for everyone. Potential owners need to consider the time and effort required for care and be aware of the potential for health problems.

If you are willing to commit to providing a safe and comfortable environment for your hedgehog and are ready to handle any issues that may arise, a hedgehog can be a great companion.


Do pet hedgehogs spike you?

Hedgehogs are not violent animals and will not spike you unless they feel threatened or scared. As long as you handle them gently and don’t startle them, they should not spike you.

Do pet hedgehogs smell?

Hedgehogs do not have a strong odor and should not smell if their habitat is kept clean. If there is an odor, it is usually caused by the bedding or substrate and can be easily eliminated with regular cleaning.

Are hedgehogs messy pets?

No, hedgehogs are generally clean and tidy pets. They will typically keep their cages neat and tidy, and they rarely have any odour

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